aya patria

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Dear Fellas, i'm sorry you've stuck in my note. Enjoy your stay here!

cbox? look at the corner!

Open Cbox


basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: aya patria


ciaossu. *)

i was finishing the last chapter of my all-time fav. manga, katekyoshi hitman reborn, just now. i now feel relieved and satisfied, but i also hold much loneliness and dejection. i love this manga so much and watch the anime along, and this manga is one of my favorite mangas & animes. i really mope this manga has to end, after watch and read it for long. i'm in a good mood, also in sad mood (not bad mood).

here are some pics of KATEKYOSHI HITMAN, REBORN!!


<3 superb. one of my best action animes.

ups :p getting too excited with this. okay, i guess i'll stop. btw, this anime is not fun to watch in the first and earlier episodes, but if you keep watching you'll get addicted. hold my words, for you who's an action-anime lover, this anime suits on you.
eh? i forgot the Q&A session. ah, nevermind. i'm not in a mood, i said. my fingers and my eyes are too tired to type and to keep looking at the screen.

bye, then.

*)oh, and btw, 'ciaossu' is a catchphrase of one of my all-time favorite character. who? just find out by yourself. im too lazy to say it.

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:v :v :v

come to think about my blog, i've been keeping it too long for myself only. so now i decided to reveal it to public, but i'm hesitating. i dont want people to judge my blog and otherwise, this blog made just for fun. it wouldn't be funny if someone open it and move to the next tab on their laptop or whatever-i'm sure u dont understand- but i want to share my blog too. this is difficult.

now that i mentioned it, i now realize that all my entries are trash and bluffs. if i just can improve my writing skill, maybe my blog will be greater than now (my blog isn't great tho).

what do i do now? i've asked the same question as the previous entry i post before, but no answer. plus i haven't open my blog for a week or more, due to lack wifi signal. T_T

meh, lets start our usual Q & A session.

Q : hi
A : hi. btw why didn't u ask something?
Q : idk what to ask
A : u can ask about whatever you want to know about this blog-or about me.
Q : everything means EVERYTHING?
A : somehow you creep me out
Q : sorry, sorry i didn't mean that
A : wait. am i the only one who started to feel this is more like a conversation than Q&A session?
Q : well u are the only one who made it like that
A : okay before it gets worse, let's just get this done with!
Q : alright. thank u.
A : anytime. bye, then.

c.u -,-

story telling :v

i just noticed that -until now, i only published unimportant thing, such as game, anime, or whatever. So now i decided to post a little more important than usual, about how-to-do-good-story-telling. Well, there won't be so much thing to post in this entry, since i'm a beginner too in story telling thing. But i'll give some advice how to do that blablah.

1. Confidence

Of course, above all, it's about confidence. If you don't have the nerves to do story telling, then just don't do.

2. Suitability

This is no less important. Suitability. If the theme is fairy tale or legend, then tell story about fairy tale or legend. Maybe you don't think that this is not really important, because -u kno, nobody's too stupid to tell a story that not suits the theme.

3. Properties

I can tell, the most great properties in story telling is : costume and dolls. Costume really important. And i mean, important. It wouldn't be funny if you tell story about Cinderella but you use casual shirt or hiking boots. And, of course there are other options beside dolls for properties. But, most of people use dolls to support the story. But i can give you another properties options ; pictures, properties that used in the story you tell (ex : magic fairy's wand, stick, etc), and the-the.

4. Pronunciation, grammar, intonation, etc.

The most important things. It would be in vain if you have the properties, the nerves, the story, the text, but no good pronunciation, grammar, and intonation. My advice, use appropriate words and suitable grammars.
Of course i'm not a master at english, there are some broken grammars to in my posts. But please don't laugh, we all know that english isn't our major language.

Let's now start our Q&A session as usual

Q : You act like you know anything about story telling. are you a pro, btw?
A : mmm, i'm not a professional. and thank you, i'd correct it. i know everything about story telling but not anything about story telling.

Q : have you ever took part on story telling competition?
A : yes i have. so what?

Q : some of your grammars are incorrect, you know.
A : really? which one? tell me in the cbox ;)

Q : why you talk about story telling in this precious entry?
A : you take it to seriously. this no precious entry. and, i talk about story telling just to help story tellers to improve their performance ...and not to fail, like i did.

Q : you?? fail??!
A : do you think i'm a god or somewhat??

prikitiew -,-


10 Karakter Anime Tercantik versi #ayapatria

Hmm hmm :3 kembali saya memakai Bahasa Indonesia. Baiklah, setelah saya melakukan survei untuk diri saya sendiri :p, saya mendapat 10 kandidat karakter anime tercantik versi #ayapatria. Mari mulai hitung mundur dari 10 ... !


Arahkan kursor ke gambar untuk melihat lebih jelas!

10. Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)

Lucy Heartfilia adalah seorang celestial spirit mage atau penyihir roh bintang dari guild Fairy Tail. Lucy berasal dari keluarga Heartfilia, keluarga yang sangat kaya dan terpandang, namun ia meninggalkan rumahnya karena tidak pernah mendapat perhatian dari orangtuanya (kayak di sinetron ... tapi nggak deh, Fairy Tail ini oke kok.)
Alasan Lucy ditempatkan di nomor 10 karena ia benar-benar sangat cantik dengan rambut pirang dan mata coklatnya. Dan ... sifatnya yang rada-rada ecchi.

9. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats)

Nakamura Yuri atau biasa dipanggil Yurippe, adalah pemimpin dari klub orang mati di Angel Beats. Berdasarkan hasil survei saya, Yuri ini disukai karena sifatnya yang kuat dan tegar, bijak, dan merupakan sosok pemimpin yang keren dan hebat. Yurippe sangat disayangi oleh anggota klubnya. Ditambah, ia pintar dan sangat cantik.

8. Hildegarde / Hilda (Beelzebub)

Hilda adalah pelayan raja iblis dari Makai (Dunia Iblis) yang cantik. Ia adalah pengasuh bayi Beel, anak raja iblis. Ia sangat penyayang kepada bayi Beel namun kepribadian yang ditunjukkannya sangat brutal dan kasar.
Hilda mendapat urutan kedelapan karena kecantikannya dan sifatnya yang dianggap keren.

7. Aragaki Ayase (Oreimo)

Ayase adalah salah satu karakter di anime Oreimo. Ia memiliki sedikit sifat Yandere. Ia sangat memuja teman sekelasnya yaitu Kirino, dan benci dibohongi.
Ayase mendapat urutan ketujuh karena wajahnya yang cukup kawaii dan sifatnya yang unik.

6. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)

Onodera Kosaki adalah tokoh perempuan tsundere di anime Nisekoi. Ia mendapat posisi keenam karena kecantikannya, sifat tsunderenya yang bikin greget :3 dan kepintarannya. Ia sangat baik kepada semua orang, sehingga dianggap perfect, namun ia sangat buruk dalam memasak meski keluarganya menjalankan bisnis bakery.

5. Dekomori Sanae (Chuunibyou)

Dekomori Sanae adalah salah satu karakter yang sangaaaat moe di anime Chuunibyou. Akibat dari penyakit Chuunibyou-nya, ia menganggap dirinya adalah Mjolnir Hammer. Di ujung twin tail rambutnya, ia memiliki dua kantong kecil yang digunakannya sebagai senjata dan dinamai Mighty Mjolnir Maul. Sifatnya yang sedikit menyebalkan, cengeng, dan terbuka, membuatnya berada di posisi 5.

4. Takanashi Rikka (Chuunibyou)

Takanashi Rikka adalah master dari Dekomori Sanae. Ia adalah penderita Chuunibyou, dan menamai dirinya sebagai pemilik Tyrant's Eye of Truth. Di balik eyepatchnya, ia memakai lensa kontak berwarna emas. Ia memiliki senjata berupa payung yang dibawanya kemana-mana. Sifatnya yang sedikit keren ini membuat dia berada di posisi keempat.

3. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)

Misaka Mikoto adalah seorang gadis esper level 5 di akademi. Misaka Mikoto memiliki pendirian yang teguh dan kuat. Ia sombong namun sebenarnya baik hati. Kecantikan dan sifatnya yang tegar dan tangguh membuatnya mendapat peringkat ketiga.

2. Yuuki Asuna (Sword Art Online)

Yuuki Asuna adalah seorang penyintas dari game kematian Sword Art Online. Ia sangat cantik dan selama memainkan SAO, ia diidolakan oleh banyak orang. Ia memiliki kecepatan yang tidak tertandingi di SAO, dan orang banyak menyebutnya The Flash atau Kilat karena kecepatannya itu. Ia juga memiliki skill pedang yang luar biasa. Namun, karena title post ini 'karakter tercantik', yah, Asuna memang sangat layak mendapat title ini :v

1. Kirito (Sword Art Online II - Gun Gale Online)

Yaaa, urutan pertama dari karakter anime tercantik adalah Kirito dari anime Sword Art Online II. Meskipun dia bukan perempuan, toh titlenya juga bukan 'karakter anime perempuan tercantik' kan? Yah, kalau dalam keahlian, kemampuan, kekuatan, sifatnya, dan kecantikan, bagi saya yang nomor 1 adalah Kirito.

Ini Kirito di Gun Gale Online (GGO).

Kirito di Light Novel Sword Art Online II. Baik di LN-nya maupun di animenya, dua-duanya tetep oke tuh.

Akhir kata, saya mau menyampaikan sekali lagi, bahwa ini adalah 10 Karakter Anime Tercantik versi saya. Masih ada banyak lagi tokoh anime cantik yang belum saya sebutkan. Dan, ini adalah karakter tercantik versi saya, jadi dimohon untuk tidak komplain jika selera kita berbeda, yah. ;)

Salam prikitiew ^_^ v

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exams week X_X

lately, i've been exploring chibird and trying to get pumped by its doodle quote. plus, this is the exam week (with underline. YES, WITH UNDERLINE), and i must study hard. yesterday was algebra examination. of course i studied hard, and luckily i passed the test succesfully. and, after the test, every single word of the lesson i've studied, wiped out from my brain. horrible. i was like, blank, and forgot all the lesson. but i must start studying again, moreover there are still so many exams i haven't pass! X_X


well, however, as a student, this is a duty i must heed (what? i'm not that diligent X_X) and there are still some paths to success in my life (nooo!! my hands' getting wiser than i do!!) so i need to study hard from now on! (this seriously is not myself ...)

prikitiew -,-


doooooooodle (yes, with extra "O" letters)

okay, i'm boring.
hey, do you know doodle? it's a good thing, you know. they're like..


i like this one. true story, you know :3

it's a cute one, i think :v

i have a teddy bear. this is just like mine. but mine is not this big...


i'm jealous. my shower doesn't have any temperature regulator.

now, what do you think? sometimes doodle can be a mood-booster, right? i like to search for doodle tumblr pics in the google images. and of course, i can say i'm a tumblr-mania :v. well, you can search for doodle in maaaany sites. but i prefer chibird, so does my sister. it's good for health (??).
now, bye.

prikitiew -,-

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sometimes freak seatmate is not too bad :v

as what i've promised in our last Q&A session, i'll tell you more about my seatmate. Let's start from her bio. Name's Nadia A.A. She is some kind of depressed girl and easily mad. She seems so lonely and yes, she is fujoshi. She is a pervert. Actually, she is pretty and clever. But unfortunately she is dandere, and as you know, dandere-type person is anti-social.

Okay, maybe we should start our Q&A session now.

Q : it looks like she is freak. how could you stand her??
A : for some reason i don't feel annoyed with her. and as what i told you, she is anti-social so she doesn't talk too much.

Q : don't you feel a little uncomfy with her pervert trait?
A : yes, i do. i do feel uncomfy.

Q : how could you met her?
A : it's a long story. i won't tell it.

Q : ...you really are sucks.
A : .....

Q : okay. thanks for answering my questions!
A : anytime. bye, now.

prikitiew -,-